
Install AlphaPay App

  1. Login your shopify account
  2. Install AlphaPay App by click and Add app.
  3. Acknowledge the permissions we require and Install.
  4. Input Partner Code and Credential Code from AlphaPay and SAVE.
    *For new merchant, click APPLY NOW to contact AlphaPay.
  5. SETUP DONE! Configure the payment methods and click Active AlphaPay to confirm.
  6. Test transactions with new payment methods (WeChat Pay / UnionPay)
  7. Confirm the payment is successful before launch.


  1. Login to Shopify shop admin and click Orders in admin panel and select the order details.
  2. Click Refund on the Top.
  3. Input refund amount and Click Refund to process.
  4. Check and confirm refund processed successfully.

Test Store


Password: 123456